Search Results for "s"

Choosing your industry will affect your chances of raising angel investment

Choosing your industry will affect your chances of raising angel investment

Certain industries have garnered more attention than others over the past few years.  The most interest has been in software, followed closely by healthcare, biotech, business products and services, consumer products and services, hardware and media and entertainment. Identifying the appropriate industry helps to garner the appropriate investors’ attention. Angel investors also look for companies or concepts with growth/export potential[Read More…]

What will you present to an Angel Investor in your first meeting?

What will you present to an Angel Investor in your first meeting?

Have you thought seriously about what you will present to an Angel Investor when you meet them to discuss your funding requirement with them? Which of the following are you intending to present to a prospective Angel Investor? Executive summary Abbreviated business plan Complete business plan with appendices and supporting material Prepared investment pitch Nothing If you selected (1) executive[Read More…]

How much Angel Investment Capital do you actually need

How much Angel Investment Capital do you actually need?

Angel Investors today have many choices and each part of the decision making process is an opportunity to assess the capabilities of the entrepreneur. Determining the amount of angel funding that your business requires is one of the most important steps in the process. Many small businesses have failed simply because they were under-capitalised. Asking too little could negatively impact the[Read More…]

The Angel Investors that discovered Electricity

The World’s Greatest Angel Investment: Electricity  

The global economy has not been able to inspire much confidence since 2008. Despite the best efforts by governments and businesses alike, the fundamentals in most developed economies continue to drag global economic growth rates to a stagnant level with inflationary pressures are taken into account.  This worldwide economic slowdown has managed to deflate the valuations for start-ups as well[Read More…]

The difference between your Investment Summary & Executive Summary

The difference between your Investment Summary & Executive Summary

Having a business plan is an absolute requirement when approaching and pitching to angel investors for capital. Its initial purpose however, is not to provide an angel investor with an overly extensive document at the first meeting. It is in fact a preparation stage for yourself. The steps necessary to create a solid business plan will make you more knowledgeable about your business and[Read More…]