Search Results for "s"

Do you own your IP or other proprietary assets

Do you own your IP or other proprietary assets?

What is IP? An IP refers to Intellectual Property, typically intangible that is the result of creative input. Intellectual property can be protected in various ways: by a patent, a registered design, copyright, design right, trade mark etc. The type of IP protection you will need depends on what is being protected and how it will be used. Protecting the[Read More…]

Bank or Government Funding for your Startup

Bank or Government Funding for your Startup

Bank or government funding should be viewed the same way as personal cash investments. Most likely you had to sign a personal security note or guarantee when you obtained the funding, so these loans will be your sole personal responsibility. Moreover, if you are looking to valuate your company, this can be factored into the equation as an equity contribution[Read More…]

Business Angel Investor Checklist

Business Angel Investor Checklist  | Due Diligence

The following is an important check list that every Angel Investor should go through before investment decisions. As an entrepreneur reading this article, we at Venture Giants would suggest that you acquaint yourself fully with these type of hard hitting questions that you might expect from prospective Business Angel Investors interested in investing in you. Remember, you only get one[Read More…]


Giving away Equity for NO Angel investment

Has a Business Angel Investor ever asked you for equity in exchange for no investment?   If not, then this article may be worth reading.  As an entrepreneur you have taken the big step of deciding that you wish to go ahead with seeking investment from a business angel investor and have made all of the preparations and crafted the perfect pitch[Read More…]

Is a Director an Employee

Is a Director an Employee?

When a company becomes insolvent, whether or not a shareholder and director is an employee, in the context of section 230 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 (ERA) can be difficult to ascertain. The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) considered this issue in the case of Nesbitt and Nesbitt vs Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. A Case Study Mr[Read More…]

Tax on Capital Gains How Entrepreneurs Relief Works

Tax on Capital Gains: How Entrepreneurs Relief Works

From 6 April 2008 disposals of qualifying businesses and business assets are eligible for Entrepreneurs’ Relief.  In simple terms, it allows business owners to reduce their Capital Gains Tax liability to the equivalent of 10 per cent of the chargeable gain.  The following notes will give you some idea of the conditions attached to Entrepreneurs’ Relief. The list is not[Read More…]

The World is a Business Angel Investor's Oyster

The World is a Business Angel Investor’s Oyster

When angel investing first started, chances were pretty good any investment being made was fairly close to home. Even with excellent travel infrastructure over the past several decades, Business Angels still preferred to invest close to home and within a 100 mile radius. Here we are in the middle of 2009. Are things any different today? Would you be willing to invest in[Read More…]